What Cosmetic Surgeries Are Most Common for Men?

Contrary to popular belief, men are just as conscious of their appearance as women. They strive to maintain fitness and youthfulness and are also affected by societal beauty standards, as women are.

In terms of cosmetic surgery, men may seek to achieve various goals. These may range from a more symmetrical facial structure to a leaner abdomen. However, the surgical procedures for men may differ from those for women. The following are the most requested cosmetic operations for men:



Liposuction is a popular body contouring option for men who want to get rid of stubborn fat pockets. This procedure is not a weight loss technique but a way to reshape the body and improve its overall appearance.

It is best to consider diet and exercise before deciding to undergo liposuction. The procedure is safe and easily recoverable. Patients can return to work in a day or two. The final results take between six weeks and two months to observe the full effect of reshaping.


Eyelid Rejuvenation


This cosmetic procedure is a popular choice among men who want to restore a youthful and vibrant appearance to their eyes. Men often develop wrinkles and loose skin around the eyes as they age. That can make them look tired. Surgery to correct eyelid droop and remove excess fat can help eliminate the appearance of tiredness, restoring the eyes to a crisp and youthful appearance.




The nose job is another popular cosmetic surgery option for men. This procedure can help reshape the nose and make it look more proportional to the rest of the face. A plastic surgeon can perform a facial analysis to determine if a chin augmentation is also needed to provide a harmonious facial appearance. Rhinoplasty is a delicate procedure that requires finesse and a keen understanding of the anatomy of the nose.


Neck Lift


The neck is another area where men often show signs of aging. A double chin, or "turkey neck," can make a man look heavier and older than he is. A neck lift surgery can help restore a strong jawline and a crisp chin-neck junction. That can help convey youth and energy. This procedure is very predictable and can occur on an outpatient basis, with minimal pain and recovery time.


Chin Augmentation

This cosmetic procedure can help enhance the projection of the lower jaw, creating a more masculine appearance. A cosmetic surgeon can do that using an implant or by repositioning the bone and liposuction of the jawline to create a sculpted jaw that projects strength.



Excess fat and skin on the chest can have a feminizing effect on a man's appearance. That is particularly so if it affects the size and shape of the nipple-areolar complex. Male breast reduction surgery can effectively achieve a more masculine chest appearance.

That can be a sensitive issue for men of any age, particularly teenagers. Cosmetic surgeons see patients seeking treatment in two distinct age groups—teenagers and men in their late forties and fifties who want to restore tone to their chests.



Male cosmetic surgery is growing in popularity. More men seek to improve their appearance and address specific concerns about their bodies. It is important to remember that cosmetic surgery is a personal decision. You should decide after careful consideration and consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.


For more information on cosmetic surgery options for men, contact Pacific Lipo at our San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California offices. Call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898, respectively, to schedule an appointment today.

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