A BBL or Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves fat transfer. It helps enhance the definition and shape of your gluteus maximus or buttocks. The operation is popular with many celebrities around the world. The main concerns for people undergoing BBL are downtime and recovery period. For these, a few tips can help you recover better and faster after the surgery.
After the BBL surgery, your doctor will provide you with a binder or compression garment. It aids in comfort, preventing swelling and keeping the contours in place. You should wear this garment for three to six weeks after the procedure.
During the initial two to three weeks, you must wear it throughout the day and night. Only take it out when bathing. After this, you may only need to wear the costume for around 12 hours during the day or night.
A healthy lifestyle involves many changes to your diet and harmful habits. If you are fond of junk food, switch to healthy meals. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, complex carbs, vegetables, lean protein, avocado, and fish. BBL recovery requires plenty of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes abundant in these foods. Drink lots of water to help your body flush out the anesthetic.
If you are a tobacco smoker, quit or stay away from the habit for the next two months after the operation. Smoking increases the risk of complications and hinders the movement of nutrients throughout your body.
Immediately after BBL, you must avoid putting pressure on your butt for around two weeks. For many people, this means finding creative sitting postures. Putting this tip into practice is among the most challenging steps to recovery.
If you need to sit, do not exceed five minutes and stand up often to encourage blood flow. Use a doughnut cushion during the initial two-to-six-week recovery period.
Your surgeon will recommend avoiding strenuous activities for some time after BBL. However, this does not mean that you stay still. One week after the surgery is an ideal time to take short walks to help your recovery. Walking can improve your results and expedite healing by improving blood circulation to your buttocks.
Your doctor may also recommend specific exercises and stretches that reduce the risk of developing blood clots. After healing, you can resume your previous cardiovascular workouts.
Driving requires you to put pressure on the buttocks for some time. You may have to avoid doing this for at least six to eight weeks after BBL surgery. The same applies to soaking in hot tubs, baths, beaches, or pools. Showering may be possible after around three days or when you have a go-ahead from the doctor. Driving can only be possible after your healing is complete.
Massage helps promote blood flow to the surgical areas of your body after the procedure. Some surgeons may recommend lymphatic acupressure. After the operation, lymph fluids can build up in the body. Massage helps move and drain them, reducing inflammation, deep scarring, and swellings.
For more on aftercare tips for BBL surgery, call Pacific Lipo at our San Diego, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach, California offices. Call (858) 427-8899, (424) 421-2250, or (888) 575-8898 today to schedule an appointment.
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