Buttocks Liposculpture
Are you tired of purchasing pants that only fit your backside and are baggy everywhere else?
Now you don't have to suffer anymore! At Pacific Liposculpture, our medical experts use the most progressive liposuction technologically available today, and because our procedure is so advanced it only takes approximately 20-40 minutes to complete. Our incisions are extremely small, hidden in inconspicuous areas like the natural creases of the body. We also tighten your skin while permanently removing the fat. Call us today if you want to get a tighter, firmer, shapelier rear that looks great in jeans!
Call today for a FREE consultation!
San Diego: (858) 427-8899
Los Angeles: (424) 421-2250
Orange County: (888) 575-8898
(See Before & After images)
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Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (424) 421-2250 https://goo.gl/maps/vAEV9T62McR77B3FA https://goo.gl/maps/A9cfDZaEm4AGNyca6 301 Bayview Circle, Ste 218
Newport Beach, 92600 (888) 575-8898 (858) 558-8328